Lindsay Grockis
Chicago Skyline
Objectives -
-manipulate gradient background and foreground for the Chicago Skyline
-arrange a canvas accordingly in Photoshop
-use the Paste Into to specify where you want certain designs
Complete a total of 4 different Chicago Skyline Pictures… all that are extremely different from one another.
1. After you have finished the Emotion Paintings and uploaded those to your website, open the Chicago Skyline Silhouette that I emailed to you.
2. Go to Image ----> Image Size and make sure the Height is 8.5 INCHES and the Length is 11 inches
3. Open one of your Emotion Paintings in Photoshop in another document as well. Select all and copy the design in the document.
4. Go back to your Chicago skyline document and highlight the area you want to fill with the design you just selected and copied. Use the Magic Wand tool to highlight tool to select an area
5 Go to Edit (at the top) and then Paste Special… select Paste Into
6. Not use Command T to transform the size of the design so it fits properly in the are you are filling.
7. Continue this for the rest of the project.
8. When you are finished, in the bottom right hand corner and sign your work with your first nd last name.
Now that you have learned how to do a PASTE INTO, make another one! After that you may complete your other two designs using any methods you would like… Highlighting an area and then attacking it with the gradient paint tool works as well.